ICMR warning: High intake of bread butter and cooking oil can be harmful for health

ICMR warning: Do you also use a lot of bread butter in breakfast in your house and a lot of refined cooking oil is used to make vegetable parathas, then be careful, because recently the Indian Council of Medical Research i.e. ICMR has issued a warning.

He has told that bread butter and refined oil are one of the most harmful food items for health. Due to which the risk of obesity, heart attack and stroke etc. increases. So let us tell you what harm can happen by eating these food items.

ICMR issued health related warning
The Indian Council of Medical Research has stated in a recent report that consuming bread, butter and cooking oil in excess can be harmful for health, because all these three things are ultra-processed. This means that sugar, salt, oil and processed things are used in excess in these things.

Apart from bread, butter and cooking oil, things like cold drinks, sweet dishes made from refined flour, packaged snacks, chips, biscuits, cookies also come under processed food and should be avoided.

Eating these can increase the risk of diseases
According to ICMR, if ultra-processed food like bread, butter, refined cooking oil are consumed in large quantities for a long time, then it can lead to obesity. Not only this, consuming it for a long time can also lead to serious problems like heart attack, stroke, brain damage.

Actually, these ultra-processed foods have very high fat content and very little fiber. Not only this, chemical preservatives and colors are used in them. They seem very tasty and convenient to eat immediately, but if consumed for a long time, then it is no less than a slow poison for health. You can consume fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, high fiber and low calorie food items instead of these foods.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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