If anyone in your family has heart disease, can’t you avoid heart disease? Know the truth

Heart Attack Myths Children can inherit some diseases from their parents. These include heart diseases. Heart experts believe that many diseases depend on family history. If attention is paid to these in time, many future problems can be avoided. However, there are many rumors among the people about this.

about such things’Myth Vs Facts is a special presentation of ABP Live Hindi. ‘Myth Vs Facts Series’ My attempt is to bring you the truth by taking you out of the quagmire of conservative talk.

Many people believe that if someone in the family has heart disease, then it cannot be prevented from occurring in children. Let us know how much truth is there in this…

Myth: Heart diseases are connected to family history

Fact According to health experts, some heart diseases can be passed on from generation to generation. These include hypertension i.e. high blood pressure, increased amount of lipids i.e. cholesterol, diseases related to coronary arteries, hypertrophic obstructive cardio myopathy. However, this is not necessary. If the lifestyle and diet are kept right from the beginning, then these diseases can also be prevented.

Myth: If your parents have heart disease, you will also get it

Fact : Heart specialists say that times have changed now. The risk of parental diseases can be reduced before it is passed on to children. There are many medicines to prevent heart diseases in children. The risk of these diseases can be avoided by changing the lifestyle. For example, if hypertension is checked at the right time and blood sugar level is kept under control, many diseases can be prevented.

Myth: There is no need for heart checkup if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet

Fact : Doctors say that if parents have coronary artery disease or there is a risk of heart attack, then taking medicines from the beginning can prevent it. Apart from this, one should keep getting tests done from time to time. Heart checkup is very important to avoid these diseases. Apart from this, heart diseases can be prevented by adequate exercise, quitting smoking, proper diet, adequate sleep.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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