If Jupiter is a gas planet, then why is it the heaviest planet, do you know the reason?

The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter. It is much larger and much heavier than rocky planets like Earth, Mercury, Mars and Venus. But have you wondered why this is so? Despite being a gaseous planet and not a rocky planet, why is it many times heavier than rocky planets like Earth? And if it is so heavy then why is it still a gaseous planet?

So first and then the heaviness of Jupiter. It is really very big. The weight of the gases contained in its large size alone makes it three times heavier than the Earth. It is 11 times larger than the Earth in size. But its weight is 318 times more. One of the biggest reasons for this which we do not pay attention to is the density of the gas.

Due to the effect of gravity on Jupiter, the gas remains under heavy pressure. Human atmospheric pressure on Jupiter is very high. That is, if there is a normal atmospheric pressure of 760 mm on Earth, then on Jupiter we will need a 10 meter long tube. However, in terms of density, the density of Earth is 5 times more than that of Jupiter. But it is the size of Jupiter that makes it very big and heavy.

The density of Earth is about 5 times more than that of Jupiter. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

In such a situation, the question arises that if Jupiter is so heavy then why did it not itself become a rocky planet. The answers lie in the history of the formation of Jupiter. Scientists say that if a planet is 1.5 times larger than the Earth at the time of its formation, then it will remain a gaseous planet and will not be able to become a rocky planet. That is why Jupiter remained a gaseous planet due to its size.

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To form a rocky planet, special processes are required so that a planet can form a solid center. During the formation of a planet, it is necessary for the release of hydrogen gas from the center. This does not happen with large planets. Apart from this, a certain distance from the star is also necessary for it to be rocky. The Guru was outside this scope.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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