If men want to look young, then follow the tips given by ‘Billionaire’! Vegetarianism and fasting will do wonders

We only know that no one can be immortal on earth. One who is born has to die. However, some people do not want to accept this truth and are ready to do anything to look young. Similarly, an American billionaire Brian Johnson has insisted on looking young. For this he is taking so many medicines and doing so many experiments.

To remain young, Brian Johnson had given himself a blood transfusion of his young son a few days ago. Apart from this, to maintain his youth he is taking 110 pills daily. Always sleep at the same time and never eat after 11 in the morning. This time the discussion is about his new skin treatment, about which he himself has told.

16 crores spent to keep skin young
Brian Johnson has written on the social media platform Brian himself is only 46 years old, so after knowing this he started adopting some basic skin care tips. Along with exercising, sleeping and following a healthy diet, he took some treatments due to which his skin age started appearing between 37 to 42 years.

What does Brian do?
He washes his face every morning and evening and applies mineral-based sunscreen. Along with using vitamin C, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and tretinoin, Brian Johnson also used microdosing Accutane. He also took red light therapy and on this entire process Brian Johnson will spend 2 million dollars i.e. approximately Rs 16 crores. Apart from this, tech mogul Brian had told that he has become a complete vegetarian and remains silent for 4-5 hours every day. He eats something only from 6 to 11 in the morning, after which he fasts.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Bizarre news, Viral news

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