If someone throws a stone at the moon it will hit the target accurately know the answer

You must have heard the proverb about throwing stones at the moon., Moon is a planet about which people want to know many things, There is curiosity about this planet among children as well as adults., In such a situation, the question arises that if a stone is thrown at the moon, will it hit the target accurately?, Let’s find out,

What is the moon’s atmosphere like?

The Moon’s atmosphere is much thinner than that of the Earth, there is no atmosphere here, which does not cause air resistance, This means that when you throw a stone at the moon, then he will go a long way, for there will be no wind to stop him,

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Gravity Of Effect

The gravity on the moon is about one-sixth that of Earth. This means that it is easier to pick up and throw objects on the moon than on Earth. When you throw a rock on the moon, So its velocity and direction become more important. If you throw the stone in a precise direction, So it will travel relatively far and stay in the air for a very long time.

How can a perfect stone be found on the moon,

if you throw a stone with enough force, then it will cover a longer distance, Accuracy improves when you apply force in the right direction, different on the surface of the moon,different kind of ruins, There are craters and rocks. If you throw a rock on an uneven surface, So it could fall into a ravine or a rock, which will affect the accuracy,

At the same time, any meteorological factors present on the moon, Geological activities such as these can also impact your target, Although, This is relatively low due to atmospheric effects on the Moon.,

NASA did a study

If the process of throwing stones on the moon is seen from a technical point of view then NASA These types of activities have been studied in the space programs of, During the Moon landing and robotic missions, Scientists have several times found different,Various instruments and objects have been thrown on the moon, These tests show that throwing stones or other objects accurately requires proper measurement and direction,

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