If something suddenly comes in front of the plane, can it turn 360 degrees? Know Amazing Facts

You must have seen a fighter jet doing acrobatics in the air. Many pilots defy death and turn their planes 360 degrees. Move up and down, forward and backward. In aviation language it is called barrel roll. But can this be done with normal aircraft or commercial flights also? Does any airline have such an aircraft that if something comes in front of it, it can be immediately barrel rolled? Aviation experts have answered this.

According to the report of Live Science, pilot and aerospace engineer Richard P. Anderson said, it is a matter of practice. If there is no practice, even small stunt planes and fighter jets cannot do barrel rolls. To do this a skilled pilot will be required. Anderson said, I know some pilots who could barrel roll even heavy commercial flights. The most famous pilot to do this in a commercial flight was Alvin Melvin Tex Johnston. Boeing’s trainee pilot Johnson made a 360 degree turn in the flight in the summer of 1955.

The plane was turned 180 degrees
According to the Los Angeles Times, he did a barrel roll twice to impress Boeing executives watching from a yacht on Lake Washington near Seattle. Also a Chandel cast. This is a stunt in which the pilot turns the plane 180 degrees and climbs. Then Johnson was called into his office by his boss and asked what he was doing. Then Johnson replied that Selling Airplanes. His answer was discussed a lot then.

Gravitational force and speed matter
Anderson said that the size of the aircraft does not matter as much as the pilot’s ability to control the force of gravity applied to the aircraft during the roll. If he can control the force of gravity, he can do anything. The front part of the aircraft has to be lifted and rolled and then it has to be allowed to fall downwards. At that time the speed should be 885 to 965 km/hr.

be at least 2,000 feet high
US Air Force pilot David Haglund said that the most important thing would be to see the conditions. How was the situation at that time? It remains to be seen how the airspace is. To perform a barrel roll the aircraft must be at an altitude of at least 2,000 feet. The altitude should not be more than 4,000 feet. If there are passengers on board the plane, then doing this will not be without danger. The amount of oxygen may decrease. Turbulence can even kill. Despite this, most of today’s pilots are trained to turn at 60 degrees.

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