If the jet fuel runs out in the air, will the plane crash? Watch the answer to the question in the video

Science is progressing every day in the world. Things which were difficult to even think about earlier, have today become a part of our daily life. Be it talking on mobile, working on computer or traveling by aeroplane. Along with the development of technology, we also want to know more and more about it.

If you are curious about things, then at some point of time you must have wondered that if a flying plane runs out of fuel, then how will it be filled. You will be surprised to know that now there is not only reserve fuel in the plane, there is also such a facility by which fuel can be filled in the flying plane itself. Let us show you its view through a video.

fuel filled in air
In the video you can see that a jet plane is flying in the air. Meanwhile, a pipe comes out of it, which has a suction valve. Just like that, he comes near another aircraft and gets fixed with another pipe. In this way fuel is exchanged between them. This sight is going to surprise anyone. Let us tell you that for the first time in the world, a case of refueling during a flight came to light in the year 2021. The American Navy did refueling of the naval aircraft F/A-18 Super Hornet through the unmanned drone MQ-25 T1.

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