If there is always pain in the wrist then it could be this syndrome, do not ignore it even by mistake

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : If there is a lot of constant pain in the hand and wrist, do not ignore it, because it can be carpal tunnel syndrome. In this, due to pressure on the carpal tunnel i.e. nerves in the wrist, the nerves get swollen, which causes a lot of pain.

In this, there can be pressure on a nerve going from the wrist to the arm. Due to this, apart from pain in the hands, there can be tingling in the wrist and problems in working with the hands. Let’s know what is carpal tunnel syndrome and what are its dangers…

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

Many symptoms (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms) can be seen in case of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. These include pain in the wrist and hand, especially the pain may increase at night. Apart from this, there may be numbness and tingling, weakness in hands, problem in holding things, weakness in fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes severe pain in the hands and wrists. This syndrome occurs three times more often in women than in men. Often this problem begins after 30 years or during pregnancy and after childbirth. But sometimes it is due to excessive use of one hand, moving fingers on a computer or laptop or poor position of the hand

Why does carpal tunnel syndrome occur?

This type of problem is seen in people who do a lot of manual work. Like typing, writing and excessive use of computer mouse, people who do sewing can have this type of problem. This can increase the risk of muscle problems, bone disorders and diabetes, so health experts advise that it should not be ignored, otherwise many types of problems can increase.

Diseases that increase the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Kidney Failure

What to do in case of carpal tunnel syndrome

1. While working on computer-laptop or doing any other work, keep your wrist in a straight position.

2. Do not work continuously, give breaks to your hands, rest your hands while continuously typing or doing repetitive motions.

3. Brace should be used to support the wrist.

4. Stretching and muscle strengthening exercises should be done.

5. If the problem is serious, you should consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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