If there is no oxygen in space, how does the Sun burn? Have you ever wondered the answer?

You must have heard and read this from your school life that oxygen is required for fire to burn. According to scientific evidence, there is no oxygen in space. If there was oxygen in space, life would be possible there too. In such a situation, the question arises that how does the Sun burn so fast in space without oxygen. American space agency NASA answers this.

How does the Sun burn in space?

According to NASA, the Sun does not burn. Like we think of burning wood and paper. Actually the sun shines. Because it is a very big ball of gas. At its core lies a process called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion occurs when one proton collides with another proton so fast that they collide with each other and then release energy."p1" style="text-align: justify;">How is light made?

This energy then heats other surrounding materials like other protons and electrons etc. This temperature is very high and appears to go out from the center of the star. There comes a time when it leaves the surface of the star and spreads into space. It is here that this temperature is converted into heat and lightAs you know that stars like the Sun emit light and energy.

Hydrogen burns?

everSometimes the argument also comes that the Sun burns hydrogen to shineAlthough this fact is not completely correctHydrogen does not actually burnIn such a situation how will it burn for the sun to shineActually hydrogen merges and turns into helium, hence there is no need of oxygen.     

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