If there is no oxygen in space, then how does the Sun burn so fast? NASA told

We have often heard that oxygen is required for fire to burn. But scientific evidence shows that there is no oxygen in space. This is the reason why no life is visible there. If there was oxygen, there would be life there too like on Earth. In such a situation, the question arises that when there is no oxygen in space, then how does the Sun burn so fast. American space agency NASA has answered this question.

According to NASA, the Sun does not burn in the way we think of wood or paper burning in fire. The Sun shines because it is a huge ball of gas. A process called nuclear fusion is taking place at its core. Nuclear fusion occurs when one proton collides with another proton so hard that they stick together…and also release some energy.

This is how light is made
This energy then heats other surrounding materials such as other protons and electrons etc. This temperature is very high and appears to move outwards from the center or core of the star. There comes a time when it leaves the surface of the star and spreads into space. It is here that this temperature is converted into heat and light. We all know that stars like the Sun emit light and energy.

The idea of ​​hydrogen burning is wrong
Scientists sometimes say that the Sun burns hydrogen to shine, but this is not entirely true. In fact, hydrogen does not burn, so how will it burn to make the Sun shine? Actually, hydrogen merges and turns into helium. Therefore there is no need of oxygen.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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