If you eat anything for breakfast between 4-6 pm then stop it, know why health experts advise against doing this?

4-6 pm i.e. those two hours in the evening are a big enemy of human health. The day should be started in a good way. People leave for work after having breakfast in the morning. The first 7 or 8 hours of the day are very productive. Whether in office or at home, we all are fond of having breakfast in the evening.

Why is evening snack prohibited?

Often we like to eat hot samosas or crispy wafers with tea for evening snacks. But if we have breakfast at 4-6 in the evening, it can delay dinner. This is not good for health.

Drink this healthy drink instead of dinner in the evening

Eating anything between 4 pm and 6 pm is not good for health. Instead, you can drink a glass of water, buttermilk or lemonade at 3.30 pm. If you are still hungry after drinking so much, then eat some nuts with black coffee or black tea or drink a protein shake. He said that you have to do these tips between 4 pm and 6 pm so that your diet routine remains."text-align: justify;">Why is snacking prohibited between 4-6?

According to the news published in Indian Express, ‘Deputy Chief Medical of Jindal Naturecure Institute" Officer Dr. Vinoda Kumari said that having breakfast between 4-6 pm can be troublesome for many reasons. Dr. Kumari said that dinner, that too on time, is very important for any child. If you do not eat snacks in the evening, then you can eat more dinner. Often people eat fat, sweets and calories rich in evening snacks, which can lead to lack of energy in the body and weight gain. If you eat late in the afternoon, then there may be a problem in your natural hunger signals. Due to which you may have problems related to digestion in future. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert. 

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