If you have a habit of lying down immediately after eating food, then be careful because… it is dangerous for the liver

After a tiring day, people often eat dinner and go to bed immediately. But according to research, doing this is completely wrong. Sleeping immediately after eating has a bad effect on the body. Now you must be wondering why such a small thing has an effect on the body.

Actually, it is very important to walk for 10 minutes after eating food because it does not cause acid formation in your stomach but if you go to sleep immediately then it can cause serious stomach disease. According to experts, one should definitely walk for at least half an hour after dinner at night. Let us know in detail what problems the body faces by sleeping immediately after eating food?

Sleeping immediately after eating causes all these serious problems to the body

Weak digestive system: Sleeping immediately after eating has a bad effect on the digestive system. This can cause vomiting, belching and burning sensation. 

Indigestion problem: Sleeping immediately after eating can cause indigestion. Therefore, go to bed only half an hour after eating. Walking for half an hour is good for health. 

Weight increases rapidly: Sleeping after eating increases weight rapidly. It also slows down metabolism. So if you are also making this mistake after eating, then stop doing it from today. 

There can be trouble in sleeping: One should never sleep immediately after eating dinner at night. This can cause a lot of trouble in sleeping. Actually, acid reflux occurs while sleeping at night. This causes acid and bile to form in the stomach. This causes burning sensation in the food pipe. This causes a lot of trouble in sleeping. 

Heartburn: If you go to bed instead of taking a walk after eating, this can cause heartburn.

Formation of acid in the stomach:Sleeping immediately after eating food causes the formation of acid in the stomach, which can cause problems like heartburn and gas.

It is dangerous for the liver: When you sleep immediately after eating food, it directly affects the liver. A lot of pressure is put on the liver so that it can digest the food quickly. Due to this, the function of the liver is also greatly affected. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert. 

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