If you utter these words even by mistake at the airport you will be in jail know what the rules say

After the advent of smart phones and internet, there has been a flood of content. Every second person is emerging as a video creator today. But even today most people are not aware of the rules, this is why creators go anywhere and start shooting videos at any time. Today we are going to tell you that if you use some words which are prohibited while making a video, talking to someone on the phone or speaking at the airport, then action can be taken against you and you can be sent to jail.


Nowadays most people prefer to travel by flight. But do you know that if you use certain words and messages even jokingly at the airport, you can be jailed. Yes, jail. If the security personnel hear or read any such word from you, which comes under the scope of security check, then immediate action can be taken against you.

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Which words are prohibited to use at the airport

Let us tell you that using words like plane hijack, terrorism related words, bomb, explosive at the airport is a legal offense. If any passenger uses these words, legal action can be taken against him. Not only this, during the action, the security personnel can also send him to jail.

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Under which sections action taken

Such incidents are reported many times in India when security personnel conduct checks. At that time some passengers joke that they are not carrying bombs or use other terrorist words. Due to their actions, action can be taken against them under different sections of Indian law. In some cases, action has been taken under Section 182 (Wrong information given to a public servant which induces him to use his legal power to cause injury or annoyance to any person) and Section 505 (1) (b) (spreading rumors with the intention of causing fear in the public) and Section 268 (public nuisance) of the Indian Penal Code.

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ban these words

Now the question is which words are banned at airports in other countries. Turkey’s Pegasus Airlines has said in its report, citing the list prepared by the Federal Aviation Administration, that these words include terrorist, bomb, missile, weapon (gun) and fire. These can also change according to the country. For example, mentioning the 9/11 attacks in America can create trouble for you. At the same time, Thailand’s Airport Authority posted infographics on its Facebook page in April 2023. In these, it was specifically asked not to use some words at the airport. Which included the words bomb, explosive, hijack and terrorist attack.

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