‘If you want father’s bones, bring 2 crores’, nephew stole uncle’s bones, then started demanding ransom from ‘brother’!

What do people do for money in the world? Money is the root cause of murder, robbery and many other terrible crimes. For this, even kidnapping someone is not a big deal. However, the incident we will tell you about today is definitely a bit strange. You would hardly have heard of anyone kidnapping ‘bones’ before.

This incident, which sounds very strange, has happened in Vietnam. Here one day a man picked up a spade and went straight to his uncle’s grave. Here he stole the remains of the bones from their coffin and then started demanding ransom for their return. The ransom was not just Rs. 2 lakhs but Rs. 2.25 crores.

The man stole uncle’s ‘bones’
According to the report of South China Morning Post, this incident happened on September 9. A 37-year-old man named Lu Tanh Nam committed this crime in Thanh Hoa province of Vietnam. With a spade, he made a 20 cm hole in the grave of his father’s cousin i.e. his uncle. For this, he stole the bones left as remains of their bodies and hid them under the garbage heap. After this, he called his cousin from an unknown number and started demanding a ransom of Rs 1 crore 69 lakh 69 thousand from him in exchange for returning the bones.

Police caught the thief
Although Naim had clearly said that her cousin should not contact the police, but she told the entire matter to the police. There were actually no bones in the grave, so the police started investigating the matter. They came to know about Naim’s actions and when caught, he himself confessed that he had done this to pay off his gambling debts. The police recovered the ashes and handed them over to the family. In Vietnam, disturbing the grave of a dead person is considered a major crime and carries a punishment of up to 20 years in prison.

FIRST PUBLISHED: September 26, 2024, 08:51 IST

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