If you want to get rid of high cholesterol, then just include these things in your diet

If you are afraid of any one word after knowing the health expert or medical language, then that only word is ‘cholesterol’. If your cholesterol is increasing, then it means that the alarm bell has rung for you. Increasing cholesterol can make some people worry. Now in such a situation the question arises that what is cholesterol? For your information, let us tell you that it is a greasy substance found in the blood. If it becomes thick due to wrong eating, then the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, then it has a direct effect on our blood flow. For this reason, there is a possibility of heart related diseases like heart attack and cardiac arrest. In medical language, HDL is called good cholesterol and LDL is called bad cholesterol.

You can control cholesterol by eating these things:

Avocado The oleic acid present in it helps in reducing bad cholesterol as well as corrects its balance in the body. People also use avocado oil for cooking.

Both black and green tea contain antioxidants which lower cholesterol levels. Green tea is better in this whole matter. Never add milk and sugar to green tea even by mistake.

Poly unsaturated fatty acids are found in almonds and pistachios. It lowers the label of LDL in the blood. That’s why eat 5 to 7 almonds everyday. This will greatly benefit your body. 

The fibers present in sprouted grains are extremely beneficial for the body. This sprout cures the bad cholesterol found in the body. Fibers also work to detox the body. 

Beans, lentils and kidney beans are pulses that work cholesterol in the body. 

Pineapple, lemon, Oranges, apples and pears also work to make the body’s cholesterol balance. 

Salads and boiled food also reduce the level of cholesterol in the body. 

Read also: Beetroot Chips Recipe: Not only salad, beetroot chips are also very beneficial for the body, learn how to make it here

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