If you want to make your 8 month old baby healthy, then prepare porridge for him like this, you will be surprised to see his growth

Recipe for porridge for babies: Taking care of a newborn baby is a very difficult task. It is a difficult task to understand what they should eat and when. In such a situation, all mothers want their child to grow fast. What should they feed their child that is nutritious and the child can easily digest it. Although there are many types of baby food recipes in the market to increase the weight and height of an 8-month-old baby and to make him healthy. But you can also make baby food at home from pulses. You can make urad dal porridge for a baby of 8 months or older. By adding almonds and dates to it, the nutrition of the recipe can also be increased. So let’s know how to make porridge for the baby from urad dal.

These things will be needed
To make urad dal porridge, you need two spoons of urad dal, two almonds, two spoons of grated coconut, one cup of water, three spoons of jaggery and date syrup.

Method to make Daliya
Take a bowl and put lentils and almonds in it and wash them thoroughly with water.
After this, keep both these things soaked in water for one to two hours.
After soaking, filter it and put it in the mixer and add coconut also.
Add some water to it and grind it.
Filter this mixture and fill it in a bowl.
Then add one cup water into it.
Place a pan on the gas and add this mixture of urad dal in it.
Keep stirring it continuously and then add jaggery and date syrup.
Keep stirring it and let the jaggery dissolve well.
When the mixture thickens, turn off the gas and serve it lukewarm.

How to make Date and Jaggery Syrup
First you have to make date syrup. For this you will need one cup of dates and one cup of water.
First of all, take out the seeds from the dates and put them in a vessel and wash them.
After this, soak it in a cup of water for 10 minutes. This will soften the dates.
Keep the dates in water on the gas for two minutes and then cool the water.
When cool, mash the dates with your hands and filter out the date water in a clean cotton cloth.
Now place a pan on the gas and add date water into it and boil it till it thickens.
Keep the flame low to medium and keep stirring the mixture continuously.
Keep cooking it until its color darkens and the mixture thickens. After this, turn off the gas.
For urad dal porridge, add some pieces of jaggery in this syrup and use it.
Date syrup works as a natural sweetener. It sweetens baby food but does not harm the child’s health like sugar.

Tags: Food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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