If your child is not paying attention to things then be careful, he may have this disease

Child Health : Is your child also not able to pay attention to things, is he not able to focus on any work while doing it? If yes, then you should be alert. Because these are signs of mental illness. This problem is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

In this disease, the child’s brain is not able to grow properly and he is not able to do any work properly. Ignoring this problem in the beginning makes it serious later. Doctors say that brain injury in childhood, genetic reasons or improper development of the child’s brain during pregnancy can cause this disease.

What is the disease that causes ADHD in children?
According to the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the problem of ADHD is mostly seen in pre-school children. Sometimes it can also occur in adolescence and youth. According to psychologists, the symptoms of ADHD start appearing in children right from the beginning.

Symptoms of ADHD in Children
1. The child suffering from this disease remains lost in himself.
2. The child is not interested in any work.
3. The child makes the same mistakes again and again.
4. The child either talks too much or remains completely silent.
5. Cannot get along easily with other children.
6. Suddenly becomes angry.
7. Have difficulty remembering anything.

Treating ADHD in Children
When children have such problems, there is an atmosphere of stress in the house, due to which the symptoms of this disease can become severe. According to health experts, there is no fixed treatment for ADHD. Its symptoms can be reduced through counseling of children and other means. Some children suffering from this disease are also treated with medicines.

What to do if your child has ADHD

1. Take children outside.
2. Do not give tea and coffee to children.
3. Give only proteins and vitamins in food.
4. Avoid getting angry at children, explain to them.
5. Create a routine for children and make them follow it

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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