IMD raises alert for extreme heat wave Know how to protect yourself and what food to eat

Sometimes the hot air coming from windows and doors can also cause heat stroke. When there is heatstroke, the body temperature seems to increase. You will always feel as if you have a fever. Along with fever, one feels pain, stiffness and restlessness in the body.

IMD has issued an alert for the states in which it has been said that heat wave is going to occur in many states in the coming month. During a heat wave, heatstroke can also occur through the doors and windows of the house. Now the question arises that what is the first thing to be done after getting heat stroke?

Do this work immediately after heat stroke

Wipe the body of a person who has suffered heatstroke with a wet cloth. When the body temperature goes down a bit, give him normal water to drink. After some time, place a wet towel on the head so that the mind remains cool. Once body temperature is under control, take bath with fresh water.

If heat wave has increased then adopt these home tips to reduce it.

onion juice

Onion juice is a panacea for relieving heat stroke. It is often advised to eat raw onions in summer. Be sure to include onion in your diet in summer. In case of heatstroke, it is said that applying onion juice on hands, soles of wings and behind the ears brings down the body temperature. Take out two spoons of onion juice and give it to a person suffering from heat stroke.

fennel water

Fennel water is cooling. If you drink this when you feel heatstroke, you get instant relief. For this, first of all take a glass of water and soak 2 spoons of fennel in it overnight. It is also an excellent mouthfreshener. Drinking this also improves digestion power.

coriander and mint juice

Drinking coriander and mint juice provides great relief in case of heat stroke. Drink coriander and mint juice daily. You can also add a pinch of sugar to it to enhance the taste. This will relieve heat stroke.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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