In Indonesia the custom of taking out the dead body from the grave and dressing it in clothes know the story behind it

People of different religions live in all the countries of the world. People of all religions have their own customs which they follow. From the birth of a new member in the house to his death, all the customs are different. But today we are going to tell you about a culture where a person is buried after his death and every few years his skeleton is taken out and cleaned. Yes, the skeleton is taken out and cleaned and he is dressed in new clothes.

Every religion has different culture

People of all religions live in most countries. Not only this, people of all religions have complete freedom to follow their culture. Every religion has its own customs, which are followed by the people belonging to that religion. In some places, festivals are celebrated in strange ways. But have you ever heard of a festival which is celebrated among dead bodies? Yes, today we are going to tell you about such a festival.

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Removing corpses

Let us tell you that the Ma’nene Festival in Indonesia is one such festival. People of a particular tribe celebrate this festival, the purpose of which is the cleaning of dead bodies. People of this tribe believe that death is also a stage, after which the second journey of the deceased begins. They decorate the dead bodies to prepare them for this journey.

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what is this festival

According to the information, the beginning of Ma’nene Festival is believed to be about 100 years old. There is a story of Barppu village behind this, which the elders of the village tell. Actually, a hundred years ago, a hunter of the Torajan tribe in the village went to the forest for hunting. This hunter named Pong Rumasek saw a dead body deep inside the forest. Rumasek saw the rotting body and stopped. He dressed the dead body in his clothes and cremated it. After this, a lot of good changes came in Rumasek’s life and his misery also ended. Since then, this practice of decorating their ancestors has started in this tribe. It is believed that the spirits bless if the dead body is taken care of.

Let us tell you that this festival starts with someone’s death. On the death of a family member, he is not buried in one day, but the celebration takes place for several days. Sometimes it goes on for weeks. Actually it is believed that this is for the happiness of the deceased, in which he is prepared for the next journey. This journey is called Puya. It starts with killing big animals, such as bulls and buffaloes. After this, the house of the deceased is decorated with the horns of dead animals. It is believed that the more horns are there in the house of the person, the more respect he will get in the next journey. It is quite expensive, but people follow it. Every few years the dead bodies are taken out again and decorated and clothed.

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