In Switzerland you can die for just 20 dollars know what are the rules regarding suicide in other countries facts

Committing suicide is a crime in our country, but there are many countries in the world where suicide is kept out of the category of legal crime. There is also a country where anyone can commit suicide by paying just 20 dollars. Actually we are talking about Switzerland. So let us know about this facility starting in Switzerland and the laws made regarding suicide in other countries.

In Switzerland, people can commit suicide by paying 20 dollars

Actually, Switzerland is going to be the first country to start a facility called Suicide Pod. According to the information, Sarco One 3D,There’s a printed portable suicide pod, Which is going to start being used in Switzerland in the coming few months, According to a report by The Independent, This is the capsule of the future, which 2019 was introduced amidst controversy, These suicide pods enable a person to commit suicide without any medical examination or supervision,

Actually a pod chamber will be used in this, The chamber of this pod is filled with nitrogen, there is a button inside it, When pressed, the oxygen level decreases rapidly., After this the person becomes unconscious and almost 10 He dies within minutes, Switzerland has 1940 Assisted suicide has been permitted since the 1990s, The only condition is that there is no benefit in the death of the person helping,

Of the World 20 Suicide is still a crime in many countries

Tell me that the world 20 There are countries where suicide is still a crime, There are some countries where committing suicide is also punished., In many countries, the punishment for this can range from a fine to one to three years of imprisonment, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Guyana and Kenya allow the will of a person who commits suicide to be challenged and revoked in court, Let us tell you that every year in the world 7,00,000 People commit suicide, every 100 one in five deaths is due to suicide,

Provision of euthanasia in these countries

There are many countries where there is provision for euthanasia, The name of America also comes in the list of these countries, Active euthanasia is prohibited here,it is legal, But Oregon, Prescribing and assisted by a physician in the states of Washington and Montana ,Euthanasia, is permitted to, Netherlands is also one of those countries where active euthanasia by doctors and death given with the consent of the patient is not a punishable offence., Apart from this, euthanasia is not a crime in Belgium either, September is here 2002 Euthanasia has been legalized since,

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