In the love of daughters, the person changed the ‘gender’, could not live together as a father, then became a ‘mother’!

Father Changed Gender For Daughters’ Custody: You must have heard many stories about how much a mother loves her children and to what extent she can go for them, but what can be the extent of a father’s love? You rarely think about what is going on in the heart of the father regarding the children at the time of divorce. We are saying this because a father living in Ecuador really crossed the limits to get the custody of his daughters.

In most countries, in cases of divorce, the law gives priority to the mother regarding the custody of the children. Something similar is also in Ecuador. In such a situation, a person living here changed his gender to get the custody of his daughters. Being a father, he might not get custody, so he became a mother. This case is in headlines because the gender of the person has been changed not biologically but legally, that is, she is female in documents but actually a male.

What a step in the love of daughters!
A man named René (René Salinas Ramos) has two daughters, who live with their mother. According to local media reports, Rene has not seen his elder daughter for a year and a half, while his younger daughter is a victim of physical abuse. When he tried to take custody of her legally, he was told that it is very difficult to do so while his mother is alive. In such a situation, Renee went to the civil registry office last week and registered her sex as female on her identity card. She says that now she is also a mother. In such a situation, they should get custody for the safety of the children.

The father has registered his sex as female in formal documents.

‘Now I am also a mother’
Talking to El Universo, Rene said that the law is taking away the right of parenting from us. They feel that men are only there to provide things and the mother is always associated with the care of the children. Conditions are not observed here. Now that they have changed their gender in the documents, they hope to be seen the same way and get equal rights for custody of their children.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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