In these areas of the country a girl is married to a dog or a goat this is the reason for this belief

People of all religions live all over the world. People of all religions have their own customs. From birth to marriage and death, people of all religions have their own rituals, which people of that religion follow. But today we are going to tell you about a belief, which you may be surprised to hear. Yes, the belief that we are going to tell you about today, in which a girl is married to a dog and a goat.


There are different rituals of marriage in different places in the world including India. In our country, every other society and household has different rituals regarding marriage. At the same time, many rituals are such that a person is forced to think about them, apart from this, many rituals force people to laugh. Today we are going to tell you about one such ritual of marriage. Here there is a belief of marrying a girl to a dog or a goat.

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marriage of dog and cat

Many traditions around the world surprise people. One such tradition is in the border areas of Odisha and Jharkhand. Here, humans are married to dogs. Actually, here sometimes a man is married to a bitch, and sometimes a woman is married to a dog. Yes, this may sound a bit strange, but it is true.

According to the information, the tradition is that when the upper teeth come out first, the children are married to animals. Not only this, when this marriage takes place, the whole family and the people of the village gather there. People believe that by doing this the child stays away from diseases. Every year, this unique marriage is performed on some special dates in different villages. Now a comprehensive study is being done on these traditions and beliefs under social psychology by the Psychology Department of Kolhan University.

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At what age does this marriage take place?

Let us tell you that this marriage is done to keep children away from diseases. Tribal communities living in West Singhbhum of Jharkhand and Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj districts of Odisha have been following this tradition for the last many years. Under this, children are married to dogs. Under this tradition, children are married till the maximum age of five years. If this defect is on a boy, he is married to a female dog. If the female is a girl, then this ritual is completed with great pomp with a male puppy. Actually, the belief is that if the upper teeth of the children come first, then in such a case the dosha of death starts to haunt them in life.

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