In these plants you can put buttermilk but If you put in these plants they will be destroyed read full story

Buttermilk is a very useful thing. It is also used in making vegetables. So there it is used as a drink. But have you ever thought that buttermilk can be helpful in planting also? Yes, buttermilk contains many minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium. Which are beneficial for plants. In such a situation, you can use buttermilk in plants. But there are only a few plants in which you can use it. Let us know in which plants you can use buttermilk and in which you cannot.

Buttermilk can be added to these plants

Buttermilk can be used as fertilizer for plants. Its use improves the growth of plants. And they also remain safe from bacteria. But it is not that you put buttermilk in any plant. Doing this can also cause harm.

You can use buttermilk in blueberries, strawberries, curry, belpatra, parijat, mint plants. But for that also you will have to take special precautions. You have to pour a certain amount of buttermilk into the plants. If you add too much buttermilk in order to get quick results, the plants may be harmed.

Buttermilk cannot be added to these plants

Buttermilk works as a panacea for some plants. But there are some plants like this also. In which you should not use buttermilk. Otherwise, it can cause significant damage to the plant. Buttermilk should not be used in tomatoes, mushrooms and cabbage.

Because they already contain calcium. This quantity can be increased by adding buttermilk. Due to which these plants can be harmed. Please note that buttermilk is not a complete fertilizer. Therefore it should be used only in a certain quantity.

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