In this country, marriage is done only with fat girls, parents send their daughters to fat camps

People all over the world are doing different types of exercises, following diets and taking medicines to become slim. This is because people consider being thin to be fit and beautiful. Especially girls believe in this more.

But there is a place in this world where the fatter the girl is, the more beautiful she is considered. Even before marriage, girls are sent to fat camps to make them fat, so that by the time of marriage they become fat and look beautiful. Let us tell you about it in detail in this article.

What is the whole story

The tradition of making girls fat before marriage is called Lebalu. This is done in the West African country of Murtania. In Murtania, as soon as a girl becomes eligible for marriage, the work of making her fat begins. First this work starts from home, that is, they are fed high calorie food at home. But even after this, if the girls do not become fat then their parents send them to fat camp.

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Work starts after 13 years

According to information available on the internet, in this country, as soon as a girl crosses the age of 13 or 14, she is fed high calorie food. Milk, peanuts, fatty meat and everything is included in the diet of the girl, which can increase her weight quickly. People here believe that a girl is not beautiful until she has stretch marks on her body and fat is not visible on her stomach.

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People here believe that girls should have a full face. For this, girls are forcibly fed a lot of food, sometimes it even spoils the health of the girls. According to information, in this country, girls are fed about 16000 calories per day before marriage. Whereas, WHO believes that women should not intake more than 2000 calories in a day.

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