In which category of asylum and refugee will the British government give asylum to former Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina

Violence has not stopped in Bangladesh yet. Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned on Monday and left her country and came to India. The Indian government has given her asylum and provided security. But according to sources, Sheikh Hasina wants to take refuge in Britain. Now the question is whether the British government will give Sheikh Hasina a place as a refugee or allow her to stay as an asylum. Today we will tell you what is the difference between refugee and asylum.


Even after the resignation of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the rioters have not stopped the incidents of arson and vandalism in various areas of Bangladesh. Currently, curfew is imposed in Bangladesh and the army has taken all the arrangements in its hands. However, Sheikh Hasina is safe in India and the Indian government is providing her security and all possible help. But the question is arising that what status will be given to the former Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina by Britain, asylum seeker or refugee.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Let us tell you that both asylum seekers and refugees are people who demand international protection due to persecution in their native countries. But there is some difference between the status of both. For example, a refugee is a person who has fled from his native country. At the same time, that person is unable or unwilling to return due to fear of persecution due to his caste, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. However, according to the United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol, there must be a solid reason to prove the fear of a refugee.

What is Asalim?

According to the information, asylum is given to a person of foreign origin who fulfills the definition of refugee as per international law. In simple words, the status of asylum seeker is given at the first stage of getting asylum. When the country is sure that the person of foreign origin is actually a ‘refugee’, then he should be given asylum.

Now the question is how and who gets asylum in Britain? Let us tell you that to get asylum in any country, certain criteria have to be fulfilled. To get asylum in the United Kingdom, one has to apply to the UK Home Office. This department takes the final decision to grant or reject asylum.

According to the rules of Britain, if a person succeeds in getting asylum in the UK, he is given official refugee status. In refugee status, that person is allowed to stay in the UK for at least 5 years. Apart from this, they are given protection under international laws.

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