In which states of India are there many restrictions on buying land? Rules are made for outsiders

You can buy land anywhere in India, But are there many places in India where you cannot buy land even after paying a lot of money? . Each state has its own rules and regulations regarding land acquisition and sale, Especially when it comes to outsiders buying land. Some states have strict restrictions on buying land, to ensure the safety of local population and resources.

Jammu and Kashmir

Outsiders are banned from buying land in Jammu and Kashmir. Particularly paragraphs Under 370 , Only local residents can purchase land. However, Article Some provisions of 370 have been repealed, However, the rules for buying land here are still strict.

Himachal Pradesh

Outsiders need special permission to buy land in Himachal Pradesh. The state government has made these rules for the safety of local residents and environmental protection. Outside investors have to provide detailed information about their intent and purpose of use before purchasing the land.


There are many restrictions on buying land for outsiders in Uttarakhand too. State government’s permission is mandatory for land acquisition here. If an outsider wants to buy land here, then he must certify that it will be used for local development.

Madhya Pradesh

Outsiders are not allowed to buy agricultural land in Madhya Pradesh. The government here has made these rules to protect the rights of local farmers and preserve the agricultural sector. However, Outsiders may be allowed to buy land in some urban areas, But the procedures for this are quite complicated.


In Rajasthan too, there are restrictions on outsiders to buy land. Under the land acquisition policy here, Only local residents can buy agricultural land. Outside investors may be allowed to buy land in urban areas with special permission, But it involves many legal formalities

Manipur and Nagaland

States in northeastern India such as Manipur and Nagaland also have restrictions on outsiders buying land. The land here is traditionally owned by local tribes and it is very difficult for outsiders to purchase land. These states follow strict rules to protect their cultural identity and traditional land use.

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