India Fastest Router launched by Electronics and Information Technology and Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw

India’s Fastest Router: India’s Electronics Telecom and Information Technology Minister Ashwini Vaishnav launched the fastest router in Bengaluru on Saturday. The capacity of this router is 2.4tdps. This router has been made indigenously with the help of Telecom Department, CDOT and Niveti System of the Government of India. Ashwini Vaishnav presented this Indian made router to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Said to be a major boost in the vision of Digital India.

Ashwini Vaishnav praised

Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said about this router made in India, as you know that networking is the key to the efforts of Digital India. The Union Minister said that there was a great need for such core routers for networking routers. So I am very happy that this kind of router is made in India.

India’s fastest router

The speed of this fastest router in India is 2.4 tbps. The rate of data transmission is measured in turbobits per second, which is equal to 1000 gigabytes and 1 trillion bytes per second. By installing this router, many departments of the railway communication network can be grown.

MPLS is a routing technique, which is used for direct data transfer from one node to another in telecommunication networks. Networking technology has got a boost with this router. Besides, the infrastructure of Digital India has also increased.

Network speed will increase

This multiprotocol label switching was first created in the year 1990. It is used to increase the speed of the net by sending the network connection over a previously known route. MPLS monitors the network path in advance, which reduces the time taken for data transfer.

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