India Post Delivery Scam people are getting messages to update address

India Post Delivery Scam: The cases of scams happening with people in the country are increasing day by day. Scammers are finding new ways to scam people. In this episode, a new scam has come to light. In this, people are getting fake messages resembling order delivery messages in the name of India Post.

What is India Post Delivery Scam?

In the message, people are being told that the parcel has arrived at the India Post warehouse, but it cannot be delivered due to incomplete address information. For this reason, you have to update your address within 12 hours using the web link given inside the SMS. People also receive phone calls, in which the person on the other end introduces himself as an officer of India Post.

How people are getting scammed

In the India Post Delivery Scam, a web link is given in the messages that people receive. People have to go to that link and update their address. People are told that if they do not update their address, all their orders will be cancelled. Due to this, people update their complete address.

After updating the address, the link takes you to the next page. Here you have to pay a token amount of Rs 80 or Rs 100 for redelivery. Due to the small amount, people make the payment by entering their debit card or credit card details, due to this mistake, people’s debit card or credit card details reach the scammers.

From India Post Delivery Scam How to avoid it?

, Be careful of unknown messages and emails. If you are receiving such messages, then before taking any step, get complete information about it. Do something only after that. Whenever you order something from an e-commerce website, open its app and check all the information related to the delivery.

, If you are receiving unknown messages and emails, first check the email address or website domain. Scammers use email addresses or website domains that look similar to the original address. But the good thing is that there are some differences in them.

, The most important thing is not to click on any unknown link. This increases the chances of you being cheated. Always visit the official website for more information.

, Always keep in mind that if someone is asking you for your personal information or payment, then first contact the customer support of the company or organization and get information about it from them. You can call the customer support service of India Post or other courier companies to check the story created by hackers.

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