Indian Government warns online gamers and advised to stay safe and playing smartly Gaming Tips

Gaming Tips: Nowadays, online gaming is becoming very popular all over the world including India. Gamers get online gaming options on many online platforms, and they are also offered many special rewards for playing those games. In this matter, gamers get trapped in the trap of online games. In this way, many times gamers also have to suffer losses. For this reason, the Home Ministry of India has issued warnings and some special gaming tips for gamers.

Actually, the Cyber ​​Wing of the Indian Home Ministry has issued a warning to the users playing online games on smartphones. They have been asked to beware of fraud while playing the game. Apart from this, gamers have also given some special gaming tips for the safety of the users.

Fraud happening with online gamers

Actually, cyber crime is increasing day by day and cyber criminals keep inventing new ways every day to cheat people. One of those methods is also adopted for online gaming. Cyber ​​criminals send such dangerous links to the gamers who play online games on smartphones or laptops, after clicking which the complete details of the gamers’ bank account or in other words, the entire earnings go to that fraud person.

Such people send links to gamers by luring them with rewards or special offers for playing online games, and motivate them to click on them. When gamers click on that link, they get cheated. For this reason, the government has issued a warning for gamers playing online games and has also given some safety tips for their safety.

Government tips for online gamers

  • Download the app of any online game only from Google Play Store, Apple App Store or the official website of that game.
  • Before downloading an online gaming app, always check the complete information about the game’s website and publisher.
  • While downloading the app, the app asks for access to some important things of your phone, but you should give access to only those files which are necessary to play the game.
  • Apart from this, before purchasing any online gaming app, one should also be careful about its fake subscription, because gamers can also suffer loss by purchasing fake subscription.
  • While playing online games, gamers also chat with their fellow players on the gaming platform itself. In such a situation, gamers should not share their personal details while chatting or should use their intelligence while sharing because the other person may not be a player but may also be a cyber criminal.

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