Indian Man Complained About Google Map This Reply Of Google Came In A Poetic Way

Whenever you go to an unknown place, you will often take the help of Google Map. Most of us do the same, now we don’t ask paan walas, chai walas and people walking on the roadside like before. Directly put the location on the map and reach your destination. However, there is a problem with this map, which probably many of us have faced. This problem is to differentiate between road and flyover in the map. Many times where the road and the flyover are together, the map user faces a problem in identifying which way to go. An Indian user complained about this problem by tagging Google India through Twitter. But the way Google has responded to this complaint, it is most special.

What did the person complain

When a person named Kartikeya Arora, who was going towards his destination with the help of Google Map, had to come back after taking a U-turn from two kilometers due to not recognizing the flyover in the map, Kartikeya tagged Google on Twitter and wrote, Make such a good map, put a small feature and say clearly whether to climb the flyover or go down. How can one see a deflection of half a millimeter on a 5-inch screen?

Google replied in a poetic way

When Google saw that this tweet was going viral so fast, it also thought it right to reply to it. Responding to the questions of Kartikeya Arora, Google India wrote, “We thank users like you, who show us the right path.” This journey of becoming better will not stop, my friend. Google’s reply was to come that the crowd of people started giving their reaction on this. We also got to see many funny comments on this post.

Who is Kartik Arora

Karthik Arora is a standup comedian, he lives in Delhi. Many of Karthik’s comedy videos are already rocking YouTube, but now since Google has replied to his tweet, people are searching for him more on social media.

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