Indians spend the most money on this food item, not vegetables and grains.

India is a country of diversity, where every place has its own specialty, but you will definitely be surprised to know one thing that there is one thing in our country where everyone has similar views and that is on food items. Expenses to be incurred. In fact, this has been revealed in the latest domestic consumer expenditure survey of the Government of India i.e. Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) 2022-23. According to which people in India spend the most on milk instead of things like vegetables, grains, meat.

What is the condition of rural areas?
In the survey conducted in rural areas, it has come to light that in villages a person spends Rs 314 per month on milk. Whereas, people spend Rs 203 per month on vegetables, Rs 185 per month on grains, Rs 185 per month on things like eggs, fish and meat. A person spends approximately Rs 140 per month on fruits. Apart from this, Rs 136 is spent on edible oil, Rs 113 on spices and Rs 76 on pulses.

What is the condition in the cities?
If we talk about the cities, then even in the cities most of the money is spent on milk. Here per person spends Rs 466 per month on milk. At the same time, Rs 246 is spent on fruits, about Rs 245 on vegetables, Rs 231 on eggs, fish, meat and Rs 235 on grains. At the same time, they spend Rs 153 on edible oil, Rs 138 on spices and Rs 90 on pulses per month. Thus, the expenditure on milk is the highest in both the sectors. 

Milk is considered a super food
According to experts, people in India consider milk as a super food. This is the reason why milk consumption has increased rapidly in the last few years. This is also considered good for the overall health index of India.         

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