India’s largest roti is made in this district of MP, so many people can eat 1 roti

Mohan Dhakale / Burhanpur. Did you know that India’s biggest roti is made in Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh. You will be surprised to see the size of the bread made here. In the Iqbal Chowk area of ​​Burhanpur, two by two breads are made on the stove. People like it very much because of its delicious taste. As soon as the shop opens, people start crowding to buy it. Huge, but thin rotis made of one quintal flour are sold by the shopkeeper from morning till late night.

Shop owner Shaukat Khan told that this big size roti is made on the stove. Its size is 2 by 2. Four people can eat this roti. It is also called Manda Roti or somewhere Rumali Roti. The cost of one roti is Rs.20.

Historians say that Manda roti is being made on the stove since Mughal times. It is estimated that earlier such large rotis were made to save time. So that four people can eat in one roti. Since then this roti is being made here till today. People like this roti a lot.

This is the biggest bread of the country

Looking at the size of this roti made on the stove, it is also called India’s biggest roti. Usually one person eats four rotis made at home, but Manda roti is so big that four people can eat it together. Manda Roti is the first choice of the people of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Apart from the local people, people coming to Burhanpur from outside also like this roti very much. Manda roti is given priority in morning and evening meals.

The artisans who make it bake it on the stove by jumping up and down in Rajinikanth style. Manda roti is not made with a rolling pin, but by rolling it on the hands. This roti is made by mixing maida and wheat flour. There are about 20 shops in Iqbal Chowk market, in which this two by two giant roti is made.

Tags: Bread, food 18, Local18, Mp news

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