inter caste Marriage Scheme you will get 10 lakh Rupees after marriage how to apply and conditions

Inter-Caste Marriage Scheme: If someone tells you that you get married and we will give you Rs 10 lakh… you will not believe this. Although this is possible, there is a scheme running in a state of India, in which you will get up to Rs 10 lakh on marriage. Now, before you start preparing for the marriage immediately, let us tell you that there are some conditions for this marriage. You will get this Rs 10 lakh only if you do intercaste marriage.

Government gives Rs 10 lakh after marriage
Actually, Rs 10 lakh is given by the Rajasthan government for intercaste marriage. This is an incentive amount for the couple from the state government. This scheme was started by the government to encourage intercaste marriage, earlier Rs 5 lakh was given in it. Which was later increased to Rs 10 lakh.

What are the conditions?
Under this scheme of the state government, money is given in two parts, first Rs 5 lakh is deposited in the joint account of both, after which the remaining money is kept in fixed deposit for eight years. Either the boy or the girl should be from Dalit community and should be native of Rajasthan. The age of either of them should not be more than 35 years. Apart from this, the combined income of both should not be more than Rs 2.5 lakh. It is also necessary to submit caste certificate along with the application.

To apply for this scheme, both husband and wife should have Aadhar card and joint account, apart from this it is necessary to apply for the scheme within one month of marriage. You can also apply online by visiting the website of Rajasthan Government. Apart from Rajasthan, if you do such an intercast marriage in the entire country, then under Dr. Savita Ben Ambedkar Intercast Marriage Scheme, you are given Rs 2.5 lakh.

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