Interesting Facts About Mobile Phones That One Should Know

Interesting facts about mobile phone: Smartphone has become the need of all of us today. Don’t know how many times people use it in a day. Today it has become easy to do every work with the help of smartphone. In just one click, we can get the information of the world through smartphone and internet. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some interesting things related to mobile phones, which you hardly know or you have read them somewhere together.

Some interesting things related to the phone

The world’s first phone was bought by an American man in 1983 for about Rs 2,68,000.
Earlier keypad phones were popular. Someone or the other in your family must have used Nokia 1100 keypad phone. In fact, it is the best selling electronic gadget in history. So far more than 250 million Nokia 1100 keypad phones have been sold.
Very few of the smartphones sold worldwide are waterproof, but about 90 percent of the phones made in Japan are waterproof.
You can also charge your mobile phone with urine. For this, scientists have found a trick.
The first mobile call around the world was made by American engineer Martin Cooper in 1973.
The world’s first touchscreen phone was the Simon, manufactured by BellSouth Cellular in 1993 and designed by IBM.
About 70% of the smartphones used by you, us or the rest of the world are made in China.
About 80% of the world’s population has their own phone and out of this 90% of the youth keep the phone with them for 24 hours.

You will be shocked to know this

Many studies say that 20 to 30% more bacteria are found on the screen of a mobile phone than on a toilet seat.
Throwing mobile phones is a game in Finland that started in 2000. Dries Feremans has made his place in the Guinness World Record by throwing a mobile phone 110 meters away.
About 50% people use mobile phones for games and 30% for social networking.
Normally, a month’s mobile bill can come from Rs 2 to 3,000, but in the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest mobile bill is recorded at around Rs 34,57,000. This bill came in the name of Celina Aarons, a Florida woman.

Read also: You can charge your smartphone with urine, this is the way

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