International Womens Day 2024 mahila diwas goswami Tulsidas thoughts about women in ramcharitmanas chaupai

International Women’s Day 2024: March 08 is a very special day for women all over the world. On this day, International Women’s Day (Mahila Diwas) is celebrated to create awareness among people about respect and equal rights of women. Besides, women are also honored for their contribution in various fields. Let us tell you that the United Nations started celebrating March 8 as Women’s Day in 1975.

In our country too, many poems and articles etc. are written for women. Even in Ramcharitmanas of Hindu religion, saint poet Tulsidas ji has written some couplets and couplets regarding women. But some people call his couplet an exaggeration and specifically accuse Tulsidas ji of being anti-women. But Tulsidas ji has expressed the importance of women in many of his quatrains.

While raising objections about some of Tulsidas ji’s quatrains, he is termed as anti-women. But Tulsidas wrote in Ramcharimanas and also gave a decision that who has the ability to understand it. It was said about those who were found capable that only those who are sages and knowledgeable will know their auspicious character.

This auspicious character fell upon my soul. Ram’s blessings were upon him.
Janahi, this character is Muni Gyani. Whom Raghubir considered as his feet.

Was Goswami Tulsidas anti-women?

Unless complete knowledge is attained, it is difficult to differentiate between right and wrong. Especially to understand the words of wise people, saints and great men, the level of knowledge should also be of the same kind. Something similar regarding religion also. Is it right to expect to be connected to a religion if you do not have complete knowledge of it? Well, forget the past and remember the future… Tulsidas ji writes about Mother Parvati that, as soon as she was born, there was happiness everywhere on the earth. Similarly, he told about Mother Sita that Hanuman ji got the boon of being the giver of Ashta Siddhi Nav Nidhi from Sita ji. It becomes clear to a great extent from these things that Goswami Tulsidas ji was not anti-women. If there is still some confusion, then see these couplets of Tulsidas ji, in which he has described the importance of women.

The mother is the same as the beloved but the woman.
You have a good house in your mind.

Tulsidas ji says that the man who considers any woman other than his wife as his mother, God resides in his heart. A man who has relations with other women is a sinner.

Patience, Religion, Friends and women.
Look at the disaster period, friend.

Especially including women in this quatrain, Tulsidas writes that patience, religion, friends and women can be tested only in difficult circumstances.

So Parnari Lilar Gosain.
Like the moon of Taju Chauthi.

Through this quatrain, Tulsidas explains to the people that to protect the honor of women, man should avoid evil eyes. Tulsidas says that those who want their welfare, beautiful fame, intelligence, auspicious pace and various types of happiness should not look at the face of another woman in the same way as people do not look at the moon of Chauth.

Being foolish is extremely arrogant.
Want to teach women?

Tulsidas ji says, if someone is talking about your benefit then you should also forget your pride and accept it. In this couplet, Ram respects a woman in front of Sugriva’s elder brother Bali and says, Wicked Bali, you are an ignorant man but due to pride you did not even listen to your learned wife and that is why you lost.

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