International Yoga Day 2024 India Famous Yoga Gurus who is the Greatest Yoga Teacher

International Yoga Day 2024:India has given some priceless gifts to the world, Yoga is one of them, Yoga has had a special significance in India since ancient times, The world has now begun to accept, Yoga calms a person’s mind and removes many disorders of the body, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Due to the efforts of the United Nations, the importance of Yoga has been explained 21 June has been declared as International Yoga Day, On this day the whole world understands yoga in a special way, Some teachers of India have played a special role in explaining yoga,

5000 years old yoga as per beliefs, Started by Adiyogi Shiva, After this, the great acharyas of India kept yoga alive, His followers told the world about yoga, So let us know about those teachers today,

These are the famous yoga gurus of the yoga world

Some teachers who told the world the importance of yoga are still remembered today, For centuries, Yoga Gurus have been playing a special role in keeping Yoga alive,

Paramahansa Yogananda, Guru Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the special yogis of India, He spread the teachings of meditation and Kriya yoga to the western countries, They ,autobiography of a yogi, also wrote, Which also introduced people to the history of yoga in India, This book became quite popular, Born in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Paramhansa was named Mukund Lal Ghosh., Living in a Bengali family, he was involved in the field of spirituality since childhood,

B,Of,S, Iyengar, 14 December 1918 Iyengar was born in a Brahmin family in Vellore, Karnataka on 10 May 1945. He suffered from malaria in his childhood., He was suffering from serious diseases like TB and typhoid, Even after much treatment, he was not able to recover., after this 16 At the age of 25 he met yoga guru T,Started learning yoga from Krishnamacharya and after this treated myself with yoga, After this, making yoga his karma, he taught it to people,delivered to the masses, Iyengar’s Ashtanga Yoga is still famous in the world,

Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Tea, Krishnamacharya is considered the father of modern yoga, He is a great Ayurvedic scholar, was a yoga teacher and therapist, who revived the traditional art of breath and movement,

Swami Vivekananda, Swami Vivekananda has worked to spread the importance of yoga throughout the world including India., Many streams of yoga, in which the mantra yoga, Hatha Yoga, Layayoga and Rajayoga are considered the most important, Swami Vivekananda presented these special traditions of yoga to the world, He has done Rajayoga, Karmayoga, Gyanyoga, Connecting youth with spirituality through methods like Bhakti Yoga,

Baba Ramdev, Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev has worked to spread yoga to the new generation in the world, Baba Ramdev teaches yoga in India as well as abroad.,

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