Iran Hanged Another Person For Protesting Know Who Was Majid Reza Rahnward

Iran Protest: Iran’s judiciary has sentenced 23-year-old Majid Reza Rahnward to be hanged publicly. After this, on Monday (December 12), he was hanged at the crossroads in the middle of the city. The court convicted him on the charge of “enmity against God”. After this, human rights groups of Iran have warned that the death penalty is being given to the protesters without any proper judicial process. The hearing is being held only in appearance.

Mahmoud Amiri-Moghaddam, Norway-based director of Iran Human Rights, tweeted, “After a grossly unfair trial and show trial, Reynward was sentenced to death based on an coerced confession. This crime should have dire consequences for the Islamic State.” .”

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when hanged

The first execution was carried out last Thursday, prompting international condemnation of Iran. Mohsen Shekhri, 23, was convicted of enmity against God for attacking a Basij member with a knife in Tehran.

Found hanged after 23 days

Meezan was hanged only 23 days after his arrest. Mizan had previously told that he was accused of stabbing two Basij members to death on a street in Mashhad on 17 November. The Basij is a volunteer force often deployed by the Iranian authorities to quell dissent.

was blindfolded

Rahnvard was blindfolded in a video shown on state TV after his arrest on 19 November. In the footage, he said that he did not deny attacking the Basij members, but did not remember the incident as he was not in the right mental state.

what the workers said

State TV also showed on Monday what he had said was his subsequent “confession” before a revolutionary court. Activists say Iranian state media regularly broadcast false confessions from detainees who were coerced through torture and other ill-treatment.

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