Iran tops in death penalty cases After China 400 people death penalty given in year 2024 United Nations expressed concern

Death penalty in Iran: Iran is rapidly rising in the matter of giving death penalty. Last month, UN experts have expressed concern over the increased number of death penalty in Iran. A group of 11 independent rights experts of the United Nations said on Monday that at least 81 people were sentenced to death in Iran in the month of August alone. This number is much higher than the 45 people sentenced to death in the month of July. They said that since the beginning of the year 2024, more than 400 people have been hanged in Iran so far.

15 women are also included in the death sentence given in Iran. Experts appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council said that ‘we are concerned about such a high increase in the death penalty.’ According to Amnesty International rights groups, Iran is at the top in terms of executions after China, while the number of executions in Iran has seen a rapid increase. UN experts said that last month 41 people were convicted in Iran for drug-related crimes. Experts have expressed grief over the high number of death sentences for drug-related crimes in Iran after the year 2021.

400 executions in drug cases alone
The experts said Iran executed more than 400 people for drug-related crimes alone last year. They also said they had received reports that showed most death penalty trials in Iran fail to meet due process guarantees. They pointed to the case of Kurdish protester Reza Rasai, who was hanged on August 6 for killing an Islamic Revolution Guards Corps member.

Innocent people are being hanged in Iran – United Nations
The United Nations said that the manner in which the death penalty is being carried out in the Islamic Republic of Iran without a fair trial is like an illegal execution. Experts expressed concern that innocent people are being sentenced to death, and appealed for a ban on the death penalty.

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