Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi helicopter crash conspiracy Chinese Experts doubts Israel

There is an atmosphere of mourning all around due to the death of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi. On Sunday (May 19), he was in a helicopter with Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abudallahian, which crashed in an inaccessible valley. On Monday (May 20), rescue workers found the wreckage of the helicopter with great difficulty with the help of a drone, after which the death of President Raisi and the Foreign Minister was confirmed. Fog is being blamed for the accident, but many people feel that this accident could also be a conspiracy, in which some country’s involvement is being suspected.

Iran is facing many challenges domestically and internationally. Many have also drawn attention to its latest tensions with Israel. According to the report of Global Times, many experts believe that it is difficult to determine the cause of the accident that happened to President Raisi. Fog alone cannot be held responsible for this. It is difficult to say anything about the situation Iran is facing at the domestic and international level.

Chinese experts expressed doubt on Israel
Liu Zhongmin, a professor at the Middle East Studies Institute of Shanghai International Studies University, said Iran has strained relations with Israel and recent events have widened the distance between the two. At the same time, incidents like the murder of Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh have left the scope for any conspiracy in Raisi’s death.

Where did the accident happen with Ibrahim Raisi?
This accident happened on Sunday near the border of Azerbaijan and Iran. When this accident happened, Raisi was traveling in Azerbaijan. The place where Raisi’s plane crashed was near the city of Jolfa, located on the border of Azerbaijan, 600 kilometers north-west of Iran’s capital Tehran.

Israel was attacked only last month
Only last month, Iran had attacked Israel. Iran took this step after the attack on its embassy in Syria’s capital, Damascus. Iran feels that Israel had a hand in the attack on the embassy.

Also read:-
Iran Helicopter Crash: The helicopter ‘Bell 212’ in which Ibrahim Raisi was, has already taken the lives of many people, has a link with America

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