Is a child born through cesarean delivery weak? Know what is the truth

Is a child born through cesarean delivery weak? Know what is the truthIs a child born through cesarean delivery weak? Know what is the truth

Is the immunity of some children weaker than that of others? To know this, a study has said that the gut bacteria of children who are born through C-section is weaker than other children. The bacteria present in the intestine are different in many ways from those of babies born through normal delivery.

According to research, children who are born through normal delivery through vagina. They receive their initial dose of bacteria i.e. microbiome from their mother through C-section. This is the largest research done so far on neonatal bacteria. Babies born by C-section may have weaker immune systems because they do not get the same bacteria from their mothers that babies born vaginally do. This may lead to a higher risk of developing immune diseases later in life.

Babies born vaginally are coated with beneficial bacteria from their mother’s microbiome as they pass through the birth canal. This process helps in building active immunity of the child.

Weak Immunity
Babies born by C-section may have low immune stimulation in the first days of life. This may be because they do not get the same bacteria from their mothers.

Disease Risk
Babies born by C-section may have a higher risk of developing immune diseases such as asthma, allergies, type 1 diabetes and celiac disease.

Recovery is slow 
If we look at it, it takes very less time for cesarean delivery but after that it takes a lot of time for a mother to bring her body back to normal state i.e. for recovery. . The stitches placed after cesarean section surgery take several weeks to heal. These stitches are very painful and the mother has to face a lot of difficulty in getting up and sitting during this period.

Many times the stitches get cooked due to which the mother faces many problems and separate medicines are also given which are usually given after cesarean to reduce the pain of surgery. If seen, it takes three to four months for a woman to return to normal state after cesarean delivery as compared to normal delivery. 

Risk of infection 
After cesarean delivery, many women are at risk of many types of infections. The biggest risk in this is endometriosis infection. This is a kind of infection due to which the cells formed inside the uterus start forming outside the uterus. 

Risk of Anemia
The mother suffers much more blood loss during cesarean delivery than during normal delivery. Actually, during this surgery, the uterus is cut and the baby is taken out due to which there is a lot of blood loss. This blood loss is much more than in normal delivery. In such a situation, the mother’s body becomes very weak and the mother is also at risk of getting anemia. 

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There is a risk of placenta accreta
In many deliveries, especially after a C-section for the first time, the umbilical cord attached to the baby in the mother’s stomach, i.e. the placenta, may remain near the uterus or in the urinary bladder. Slips away. This poses a danger to both the mother and the unborn child.

Stomach related problems occur 
After cesarean delivery, the mother has to face constipation for a long time. The mother faces difficulty in bending due to stitches in her stomach. Due to stitches in the stomach, there is a state of tension for a long time.

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