Is chlorine really added to swimming pools What harm does this do to the body

It is extremely hot all over the country. To get relief from the heat, some are taking the help of AC, while others are taking the help of cold water. Some people, troubled by the heat, go to take a bath in the swimming pool. But do you know that chlorine chemical is used to clean swimming pool water. Know what are the harms caused by chlorine chemical in the body.

swimming pool

To get relief from the heat during summer, many people take the help of swimming pool. But do you know that it is not possible to change the swimming pool water frequently, hence filters and chlorine chemicals are used to keep the water clean. But the question is, what harm does bathing in chlorine water do to the body?

eye irritation

Due to the heat, most people stay in the swimming pool for a long time. But when they come out of the swimming pool after taking bath, they feel a burning sensation in their eyes. Actually, the reason behind this is chlorine and urine present in the swimming pool water.

Some German scientists had claimed in their research that people’s eyes get irritated not because of chlorine or urine but because of a substance called chloramine, which is formed when urine mixes with chlorine present in water. Actually it is kind of like ammonia. Apart from this, chloramine is also formed when human sweat mixes with chlorine present in swimming pool water.

Let us tell you that swimming pool water often contains a lot of bacteria. To remove this, chlorine is added to water. Chlorine is a very strong chemical. Sometimes this causes rashes on the body and starts itching. If your body itches while bathing in the swimming pool, then you should understand that this is due to the chemical water containing chlorine. Although this does not cause much problem. But if the problem increases in the body, then a doctor should be consulted once. Because some people get red spots on their body and it itches.

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