Is Coloring Hair Safe Dye Straighteners May Increase Breast Cancer Risk, Study Finds

Hair coloring, hair straightening and hair smoothing, nowadays most of the girls use these things in their hair. It is not that only young girls get this done, rather it is becoming a part of the fashion trend of people of all ages. But when the doctor was talked to about these fashion trends, his opinion was completely different. The doctor has given a warning regarding hair coloring, hair straightening and hair smoothing. He said that it is true that hair changes the look a lot, but the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has recently said that for the prevention of cancer, the use of things that make hair silky should be minimized. Such products contain formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing chemicals. Due to which the risk of cancer increases.

Risk of cancer increases

Special products are used to make hair silky and smooth. Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing products are used in this. Using hair straightening products makes the hair straight for a short period of time but it gives rise to many serious problems. Contains formaldehyde, the smoke of which causes irritation in eyes, nose and throat. There may also be problems related to breathing. Due to which there can also be a reason for risk.

The risk of this cancer increases in women

Using excessive hair products increases the risk of uterine cancer in women. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH Record) of the year 2022, the smoke released after the use of chemicals increases the risk of uterine cancer. Actually, this cancer occurs when cancer cells form in the tissues of the endometrium. Which is on the lining of the uterus. Formaldehyde triggers these cancer cells and promotes mutation in the body.

Risk of bladder cancer from hair dye

According to a research by, coloring hair also increases the risk of bladder cancer. About 80 percent of hair dry products are made from hydrogen peroxide which is a carcinogenic formulation. It promotes cancer in bladder.

Also read: In pursuit of benefits, are you taking more multi vitamins than required? There may be harm, there may be adverse effects.

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