Is drinking milk on an empty stomach beneficial or harmful for the body? Know the method and time to drink it

Is drinking milk on an empty stomach beneficial or harmful for the body? Know the method and time to drink itIs drinking milk on an empty stomach beneficial or harmful for the body? Know the method and time to drink it

Milk is very beneficial for health because it is rich in many nutrients. It contains essential multi-nutrients like calcium, protein and healthy fat in plenty. Drinking milk brings life to weak bones. Along with this, muscles also become strong. This keeps both the body and the mind very active.

Vitamin D is very good for the brain. But many times the question arises whether we can drink milk on an empty stomach? Also, we will know what is the right time to drink it? Drinking milk at night or during the day is a personal choice of any person. The health condition of the person depends on whether they should drink milk or not?

Benefits of drinking milk in the morning

Drinking milk in the morning is very good for digestion. Drinking milk in the morning also gives life to weak bones. Muscles also become strong. Drinking milk in the morning is very beneficial. 

Disadvantages of drinking milk in the morning

Some people have a problem of lactose. Due to this, there can be a problem of stomach ache, diarrhea and gas. Drinking milk on an empty stomach can cause heartburn and acidity. People who have a habit of drinking milk on an empty stomach should drink cold milk instead of hot milk so that it does not cause acidity in your stomach.

Know the right time to drink milk

Drinking milk in the morning is harmful but if you drink milk after breakfast then it can be very beneficial for you. Do not drink milk on an empty stomach but drink it only after eating something. Low-fat or skimmed milk is good for health. If you want to lose weight or have a heart disease then you should drink milk before sleeping at night and not on an empty stomach, it is very beneficial. Drinking milk at night helps in getting good sleep and drinking hot milk with turmeric also keeps the health good.

According to research, you can drink milk in the morning but before drinking it, do eat some fruit or breakfast. Never drink milk on an empty stomach, rather drink it with some food.  It is better to drink low-fat or skimmed milk, especially if you want to lose weight or are concerned about heart health. Drink milk after eating something and not on an empty stomach. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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