Is garlic a spice or a vegetable? Madhya Pradesh High Court gave the right answer

Whether it is to enhance the taste of food or to cure many diseases of the body, garlic is considered the best for everything. However, for years there has been a debate about whether garlic is a vegetable or a spice. Today the Madhya Pradesh High Court has put an end to this debate and given its answer.

What is the whole matter

This debate is not of today but of the year 2015. Actually, in the year 2015, garlic was put in the category of vegetables on the request of some farmer organizations. But later the Agriculture Department canceled this order and again gave garlic the status of a spice. The Agriculture Department argued behind this that garlic has been described as a spice in the Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act, 1972. But the farmer organizations did not like this and in the year 2017 they again filed a review petition in the court. Now after 9 years, the Indore Bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court has given its verdict on this.

What did the High Court say

The Indore Bench of Madhya Pradesh High Court in this verdict upheld the 2015 verdict and declared garlic as a vegetable. That is, now garlic is again in the list of vegetables. Whereas, the Agriculture Department had kept it in the category of spices. Well, now it has to be seen whether the Agriculture Department takes this matter to the Supreme Court or considers it a vegetable and calms the matter down.

Where did garlic come to India from

According to the NIH report, it is said about garlic that it came to India from Central Asia i.e. areas around today’s Iran, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. At the same time, some historians say that garlic was first found on the Tian Shan mountain located near western China and then from here it reached India and the whole world.

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