is rain bathing really cure boils and pimples on body know myths and facts

First Rain Benefits And Side Effects: People always wait for the first rain of the season. People have been waiting for the monsoon to get relief from the scorching heat. No one wants to miss the pleasure of getting drenched in the shower of monsoon rain. People have many things in mind about the first rain of the monsoon. Like getting drenched in the first rain removes the heat of the body, getting drenched in the rain cures boils and pimples.

But does this really happen? It is important to know what dermatologists say in this matter. Let us know today what are the advantages and disadvantages of bathing in the first rain of monsoon.

Do bathing in the rain really cure boils?
Dermatologists say that this is true to some extent. If you wash your face with the water of the first rain, you can get relief from boils or heat rashes. Actually, many toxic elements of the body are removed with the water of the first rain and the body gets detoxified. This can provide relief from boils. However, this does not happen in all cases. If your skin is sensitive, then you should think before bathing in rain water.

benefits of bathing with rain water
Health experts say that bathing in the rain releases happy hormones in the body. This brings happiness to the body and mind and reduces stress. Along with this, bathing in the rain also balances the hormones of the body. If you bathe with rain water, the dirt and germs accumulated in the hair will be cleaned. But it should also be kept in mind that you should bathe in the rain only for 20 to 25 minutes. Bathing more than this will be harmful for the body. Also keep in mind that after bathing in the rain, take a good shower with plain water.

Disadvantages of bathing in rain water
There are disadvantages of bathing in the rain. People with sensitive skin can get severe skin allergies by bathing in the rain. Many people face itching and itching problems after bathing in the rain. Many types of bacteria also start growing in the hair after bathing in the rain. In such a situation, hair starts falling rapidly. If there is a wound anywhere on the body, one should not bathe in the first rain, this can make the wound worse. After bathing in the rain, the fingers and toes itch and swell due to cold and heat.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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