is sugarcane juice good for diabetes patients know what experts said

Sugarcane Juice In Diabetes: Summer is going on and in such a situation, cold sugarcane juice gives a lot of relief to the mind and stomach. If seen, sugarcane juice is beneficial for health because it contains a lot of antioxidants and fiber. Sugarcane juice is also said to be a great immunity booster for health, but sugar patients are often advised to stay away from sugarcane juice.

It is said that sugarcane juice is too sweet and is dangerous for sugar patients. But is it really so? Whether sugar patients should drink sugarcane juice or not, know the answer here.

How much sugar is there in sugarcane juice
Generally people believe that sugarcane is more beneficial than sugar. Health experts say that sugarcane juice is not completely sugar. It contains sucrose, which means it has natural sweetness. Sugarcane juice contains more than 70 percent water, along with this it contains 10 to 15 percent fiber and 13 to 15 percent sugar. Since sugarcane juice is not processed, phenolic and flavonoids are also found in it which are good for the body. Now let’s talk about how much sugar is there in sugarcane juice.

A small glass of sugarcane juice i.e. 240 ml of sugarcane juice contains about 50 grams of sugar. Fifty grams of sugar means more than 10 teaspoons of sugar. In such a situation, when an adult person is advised to take a maximum of 6 to 9 teaspoons of sugar in a day, a glass of sugarcane juice can add a lot of sugar to his body.

Should sugar patients drink sugarcane juice?
If seen, the glycemic index of sugarcane juice is less than that of sugar, but still it comes in the category of high glycemic index for sugar patients. The high sucrose present in it can increase blood sugar in the body. If you are taking sugar medicine, then you should consume sugarcane juice in very limited quantity and consult your doctor before that.

Generally, health experts recommend that sugar patients should avoid consuming sugarcane juice to control their blood sugar. However, those whose sugar level is below the risk can consume it in very moderate quantities.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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