Is the layer of gold that appears on sweets, real know all details facts

Sweets are often coated with gold and silver layers, which enhances both their beauty and taste. Have you ever wondered how real the gold layers that you see coated on sweets are? Today we will tell you everything you want to know about this gold layer.

How real is the gold layer on sweets?

Let us tell you that the gold layer on sweets is as real as the silver layer. However, in some places, it is now being made fake as well. The artisans prepare this layer with great hard work. This gold layer is being used in food items as well as Ayurvedic medicines.

How is gold plating prepared?

To prepare one silver work approximately 3 It takes almost two years to beat the bell and give it the right shape 3 it takes hours, like this 10 grams of silver is approximately 150 Works can be prepared, But gold work requires more effort than silver work., Gold is more expensive and slightly stronger than silver,

In this regard, it takes more time to beat him, Preparing the gold work 6 It takes hours to thrash, Other than this 3 It takes hours to shape it, This work is especially done by women, The men do the thrashing work., like this 10 grams of gold 150 In Work 8 From 9 It takes an hour easily,

Increased challenges for artisans

With time, the challenges faced by the artisans doing this work have also increased significantly, In such a situation, many people are still engaged in this work., But in the name of wages they 250 From 300 You get Rs., which is very less in today’s times,

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