If you are trying to become a mother and there is a delay in it, then do not worry. Sometimes health problems or hormonal imbalance can be the reason for this. By getting some important tests done at the right time, you can detect these problems and start treatment. Let’s know which tests you should get done so that your journey of becoming a mother can be easy.
Thyroid test
Imbalance of thyroid hormone can affect fertility. Thyroid test can detect whether your thyroid gland is working properly or not. If there is any problem in the thyroid, then the doctor can give medicines for it.
Hormonal test
Many hormones affect the reproductive process in women, such as prolactin, progesterone and estrogen. Doctors get hormonal tests done to check the level of these hormones. This shows whether the hormone level is less or more than normal.
Ultrasound is a test through which the doctor examines your ovaries and uterus. This test shows whether eggs are being produced in your ovaries or not and whether the condition of the uterus is correct or not. In ultrasound, the doctor places a special type of machine on your stomach through which the pictures of the inside are seen. This process is absolutely painless and many problems can be detected through it. If you are trying to become a mother and there is a delay in it, then getting an ultrasound done can be a good step.
HSG test
HSG (Hysterosalpingography) test shows whether there is any blockage in your fallopian tubes or not. X-ray is used in this test. The doctor injects a special dye into your uterus and then takes an X-ray to see if the dye is going into the fallopian tubes properly. This process is easy and painless.
AMH test
AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) test determines the number of eggs in your ovaries. This test tells how many eggs can be produced in your ovaries. The doctor checks the level of AMH by taking a sample of your blood. This helps in understanding how fertile you are and what are your chances of becoming a mother.
Semen analysis
If your husband also wants to get tested, then semen analysis (sperm test) is necessary. This test reveals the number of sperms, their speed and shape. The doctor takes a sample of your husband’s sperm and tests it. This helps in understanding your husband’s fertility and any problem can be treated.