Is there really an underworld under the ground? Question asked, know what is the correct answer

You must have heard the stories of Hades. It is said in the scriptures that there is such a world inside the earth. A few days ago, a report was published in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in which it was claimed that there are two underworlds inside the earth. To reach there, one will have to go to a depth of 70 thousand yojanas i.e. about 9 lakh 10 thousand kilometers. But is it really the underworld? Such questions were asked in social media. Let us know the correct answer.

Scientific and religious views differ regarding the existence of the underworld. According to scientists, there are many layers inside the Earth, which include crust, mantle and core. The crust is the outermost layer, the mantle is in the middle, and the core is the innermost. Scientists found that the mantle contains fluids and magma, which causes volcanic eruptions. Some scientists believe that there may also be some solid regions in the mantle, which can be called ‘Hades’.

two underworld quests
According to the report published in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a team of international scientists has discovered two underworlds in the depths of the earth. They were formed 4.5 billion years ago. It is at a depth of 2900 kilometers under the earth’s mantle. In the Bengali Ramayana, the distance of the underworld is stated to be 1000 yojanas, which is approximately 12,800 kilometers. Understand it like this, the distance between India and Sri Lanka.

Now let’s talk about religious viewpoint
There is mention of Hades in many religions. It is said that there is an invisible world located beneath the ground. In Hindu religion, Hades is considered to be the abode of serpents and other mythological creatures. In some religions, Hades is also considered the abode of the souls of the dead. There are many stories and legends about Hades, but these have not been scientifically confirmed. However, some scientists believe that there may be some solid areas in the mantle, which can be called Hades. This is where the matter boils down. Because no equipment has ever gone below this level.

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