Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? 99 percent people do not know the correct answer, know here

Tomato Is Fruit Or Vegetable: Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable? This is a question whose answer is always full of confusion. Tomato is used in every Indian kitchen. It is added to every kind of vegetable and is also eaten as a salad. If vegetables are not cooked in tomato and onion gravy, then there will be no fun in eating. Its chutney is also made. People’s food is incomplete without tomato. Due to being added to every vegetable, it is also called the king of vegetables. But is it really a vegetable? Let’s know here…

Biologically, tomato is not a vegetable but a fruit because like other fruits, it grows from a plant which has seeds. Fruits are formed from flowers on the plant. On the other hand, vegetables are the leaves, roots and branches of the plant. For example, carrots, radish, spinach, potatoes and onions. Both vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of nutrients. Both are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Why is tomato considered a vegetable?
Tomato is used in many dishes like vegetable, salad, pizza, pasta. People eat it more as a vegetable than a fruit, so it is also considered a vegetable. However, according to science, it is a fruit. If you ask this question from farmers and plant experts, they will tell you that it is a fruit, whereas people who cook food consider it a vegetable.

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Not only tomato, this is also called fruit
Not only tomatoes, cucumber, peas, brinjal, chilli and ladyfinger also come under the category of fruits because they are also made from flowers. It is mentioned in science books that anything that is made from flowers is a fruit. So from today onwards, you should not be confused in identifying fruits and vegetables.

Tags: Food, General Knowledge, Lifestyle

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